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Nourish Care Contact Information (UK)

Nourish Care Contact information serves as a lifeline, connecting users with the support they may require. Whether it be clarifying inquiries, addressing technical issues, or seeking guidance on software functionalities, having accessible contact information empowers users to navigate challenges effectively. Nourish Care stands as a prominent provider of care management software, specializing in catering to the needs of diverse care providers across the UK. Renowned for its innovative solutions, Nourish Care’s software is extensively utilized by care homes, home care agencies, and supported living services. The primary aim of Nourish Care is to enhance the quality of care delivered by these providers while simultaneously optimizing operational costs. Their comprehensive software suite is designed to streamline care management processes, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of services.

In the dynamic realm of care management, user assistance plays a pivotal role in ensuring the seamless utilization of Nourish Care’s software. Nourish Care to provide responsive and personalized assistance, fostering a collaborative relationship with their users. Through these channels, users can not only troubleshoot issues but also gain insights into maximizing the benefits of Nourish Care’s innovative care management solutions.

Nourish Care Contact Information (UK)

Nourish Care, a leading provider of care management software in the UK, offers a comprehensive suite of solutions tailored for care homes, home care agencies, and supported living services. Their software is designed to enhance the quality of care while concurrently optimizing operational costs. Nourish Care’s commitment to excellence extends beyond the development of cutting-edge software; it encompasses a dedication to providing robust user support through accessible and responsive contact channels.

For users seeking assistance or information, Nourish Care provides a variety of contact options. The Nourish Care website ( serves as the central hub for users to access essential resources and find pertinent contact details. Whether users have general inquiries, require technical support, or need guidance on software functionalities, the website offers a gateway to connect with the appropriate Nourish Care departments.

The significance of Nourish Care’s contact information lies in its role as a direct conduit between users and the support services they may need. With department-specific email addresses, phone lines, and in-person assistance available at various office locations, users can choose the most convenient channel for their queries. This emphasis on user assistance ensures that Nourish Care’s clientele can navigate challenges effectively, fostering a collaborative and supportive partnership between the software provider and its users in the ever-evolving landscape of care management.

Nourish Care Contact Information


Contacting Nourish Care

Contacting Nourish Care is a straightforward and essential aspect of ensuring a seamless experience for users engaging with their care management software. Nourish Care recognizes the diverse needs of its users and has established a robust system of contact channels to provide comprehensive support. This section outlines various avenues available for users to connect with Nourish Care, emphasizing accessibility and responsiveness in addressing inquiries, technical concerns, and other user needs.

Nourish Care Website: Navigating the virtual realm of support, the Nourish Care website serves as a centralized hub for users to access critical resources and contact information. The website, with its user-friendly design and clear URL structure (, offers an easily accessible gateway to vital details. Users can explore the site to find the information they need and connect with the appropriate departments for personalized assistance.

Email Communication: For users preferring written communication, Nourish Care facilitates email inquiries through both general and department-specific channels. General inquiries can be directed to the provided email addresses([email protected].), ensuring that users receive prompt responses. Additionally, specific departments, such as support and sales, have dedicated email channels, streamlining communication and ensuring that queries are directed to the most relevant teams for efficient resolution.

Phone Support: Recognizing the importance of direct communication, Nourish Care extends its support through phone channels. A general customer support line provides users with immediate assistance for a range of inquiries. Moreover, for more specialized concerns, department-specific phone numbers(023 8000 2288) are available, allowing users to connect directly with the experts who can address their specific needs.

In-Person Assistance: In addition to virtual channels, Nourish Care understands the value of face-to-face support. Users have the option for in-person assistance by visiting Nourish Care’s physical office locations. This personalized touch emphasizes the company’s commitment to providing holistic support, ensuring that users feel supported not only in the digital realm but also through direct, in-person interactions. Nourish Care’s office locations are strategically situated to facilitate accessibility, and users can check the availability of in-person assistance in alignment with their needs.

Support Channels

In the ever-evolving landscape of care management, Nourish Care recognizes the paramount importance of robust user support. Beyond traditional contact methods, Nourish Care has established a diverse array of support channels to cater to the varied needs of its users. This section delves into the digital avenues provided by Nourish Care, offering users an array of resources and interactive platforms to enhance their experience and knowledge of the care management software.

Online Support Resources: Nourish Care places a wealth of knowledge at users’ fingertips through its comprehensive online support resources. This includes a meticulously curated knowledge base, offering users detailed insights into the software’s functionalities, troubleshooting guides, and best practices. Additionally, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) provide quick reference points for common queries, empowering users to find solutions efficiently and independently.

Social Media: Recognizing the dynamic nature of user engagement, Nourish Care extends its support footprint into the realm of social media. Users can connect with Nourish Care through various social media platforms, creating a community where information and updates are readily shared. Nourish Care’s presence on social media not only serves as an additional support channel but also fosters a responsive and engaging environment. Users can benefit from real-time updates, participate in discussions, and experience the collective knowledge and insights shared within the Nourish Care community. The platform’s commitment to responsiveness and engagement on social media ensures that users feel connected and supported throughout their care management journey.

Nourish Care Client Identification

Understanding how to identify your loved one within the Nourish Care system in the UK is crucial for accessing their information, participating in their care journey, and ensuring smooth communication. Here’s a breakdown of the various client identification systems you might encounter:

  1. Unique Client Identifier (UCI):
    • This is a unique alphanumeric code assigned to each individual receiving care through Nourish Care. It serves as the primary identifier within the system.
    • You might find the UCI on your loved one’s care plan documents, medication labels, or wristbands.
    • When communicating with Nourish Care staff or accessing the Family Portal, always reference your loved one by their UCI to ensure prompt and accurate identification.
  2. Full Name and Date of Birth:
    • While not the primary identifier, your loved one’s full name and date of birth can also be used for verification purposes.
    • This information is particularly helpful if you don’t have their UCI readily available.
  3. Room Number or Bed Number:
    • In certain care settings, patients might be assigned room or bed numbers for organizational purposes.
    • While not a definitive identifier, this information can be helpful in situations where multiple individuals share similar names or initials.
  4. Additional Identifiers:
    • In some cases, Nourish Care might utilize additional identifiers for specific purposes, such as NHS number or care provider reference number.
    • Familiarize yourself with any additional identifiers associated with your loved one’s care to facilitate smooth communication and access to information.

Tips for Effective Identification:

  • Always carry a copy of your loved one’s UCI (either physically or digitally) when visiting or communicating with Nourish Care staff.
  • Have your loved one memorize their UCI if possible to empower them with independent communication.
  • If unsure about any identifier or encounter difficulties accessing information, don’t hesitate to contact Nourish Care for assistance. Their friendly and helpful team is always happy to guide you through the process.

Remember, accurate and efficient client identification is key to ensuring seamless communication and access to care within Nourish Care. By understanding the different identifiers and utilizing the tips provided, you can confidently navigate the system and actively participate in your loved one’s care journey.

If you have any further questions about client identification, specific identifiers used in your loved one’s case, or need assistance accessing their information, feel free to reach out.

Availability and Response Times

Nourish Care understands the critical importance of timely and efficient support to enhance user experience. This section sheds light on the availability and response times that users can expect when reaching out to Nourish Care. Recognizing the dynamic nature of user needs, Nourish Care has established clear parameters to ensure that users receive the support they require within reasonable timeframes.

Normal Business Hours: Nourish Care aligns its support services with normal business hours, ensuring accessibility during times that accommodate the majority of user interactions. This structured approach allows users to seek assistance, guidance, or information within the regular working hours, fostering a dependable support system that caters to the diverse needs of care providers, administrators, and users of Nourish Care’s software.

Response Time Expectations for Different Channels:

  1. Email Communication: When users opt for email communication, they can expect a response within a defined timeframe. Nourish Care is committed to addressing general inquiries and specific departmental requests promptly, with response times designed to provide users with timely information and support.
  2. Phone Support: For those who prefer direct communication, Nourish Care’s general customer support line and department-specific phone numbers are staffed by knowledgeable professionals. Users can anticipate swift responses to their queries, ensuring that urgent matters are promptly addressed through direct interaction with Nourish Care’s support team.
  3. In-Person Assistance: In cases where users seek in-person assistance by visiting Nourish Care’s physical office locations, the availability for such support is aligned with specified hours. This approach ensures that users who prefer face-to-face interactions receive the attention and assistance they need within the defined timeframes.

By establishing clear availability during normal business hours and setting response time expectations for various communication channels, Nourish Care demonstrates its commitment to providing dependable and timely support to its users. These measures aim to enhance the overall user experience and ensure that users can rely on consistent and effective assistance when engaging with Nourish Care’s care management software.


How can I contact Nourish Care for general inquiries?

Nourish Care, a prominent provider of care management software in the UK, offers multiple avenues for general inquiries and support. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to connect with them:

Phone: Reach Nourish Care’s customer support by phone at 023 8000 2288 during regular business hours, typically Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM UK time.

Email: For general inquiries or non-urgent matters, send an email to Nourish Care’s customer support team, Include your full name, contact information, a brief description of your inquiry, and any relevant details about your Nourish Care experience.

Website: Nourish Care’s website ( is a hub of information and resources. Access FAQs, product documentation, and contact details. You can also submit a support ticket directly through the website.

Social Media: While not the primary support channel, Nourish Care is active on platforms like Twitter (@NourishCareUK) and LinkedIn ( Connect with them for general inquiries or to stay updated on company news and announcements.

In-Person Support: If you’re in the UK, consider visiting one of Nourish Care’s offices or partner organizations for in-person assistance. Verify office hours and locations on their website or contact them directly.

When reaching out to Nourish Care, provide comprehensive details about your inquiry, including your name, contact information, and any relevant account or product specifics. This ensures prompt and effective resolution of your concerns.

Are there specific email addresses for different departments at Nourish Care?

Certainly, Nourish Care offers distinct email addresses for various departments to ensure targeted communication with the relevant team members. Here is a list of departmental email addresses:

  1. Sales:
  2. Customer Support:
  3. Marketing:
  4. Partnerships:
  5. Careers:
  6. Media Relations:

If you are uncertain about which department to contact, feel free to use the general support email address (, and your inquiry will be directed to the appropriate team for assistance.

What is the general customer support line for Nourish Care?

The primary customer support line for Nourish Care is 023 8000 2288. You can contact them during standard business hours, usually Monday to Friday, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM UK time.

How can I access in-person assistance from Nourish Care?

Nourish Care primarily extends remote support through phone, email, and their website, although in-person assistance may be considered in certain instances. Here’s a guide on how to inquire about in-person assistance from Nourish Care:

  1. Contact Nourish Care’s Customer Support Team:
    • Reach out to Nourish Care’s customer support team via phone at 023 8000 2288 during regular business hours or send an email to
  2. Explain Your Request for In-Person Assistance:
    • Clearly articulate your need for in-person assistance and provide a concise explanation of the reason behind your request.
  3. Check for Availability:
    • Nourish Care will evaluate your request and communicate whether in-person assistance is available in your geographical area. They may also suggest alternative solutions, such as video conferencing or remote support sessions.
  4. Schedule an Appointment:
    • If in-person assistance is viable, Nourish Care will collaborate with you to schedule an appointment at a mutually convenient time and location.

Remember that the availability of in-person assistance may be contingent on specific regions or circumstances. Nourish Care’s customer support team stands ready to offer more detailed information about their options for in-person assistance.

What are the normal business hours for Nourish Care’s support services?

Nourish Care’s general customer support operates during the following hours:

  • Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM UK time

Please be aware that these hours might differ based on the specific department or type of support you seek. It is advisable to verify the support hours tailored to your needs by directly contacting Nourish Care.

For assistance, you can reach Nourish Care through the following contact details: